09 January 2011

our forty acres of cyberspace

Dearest Comrades,

I welcome you to AmbivAnthrope, a collaborative web log (or as the kids say, "blog") about nothing in particular and everything all at once.

As most of you whom I have invited to contribute are recent college graduates trying, even at this very moment, to hack it in this rather dumb world I'm sure you, like me, miss the days when you could camp out a room in the library with your friends during finals week from open to close doing anything but studying much to the ire of better scholars; or perhaps when you were thanking whatever stars got you home to a beer and some good company after a terrifying inebriated bike ride home in the snow; or maybe it was those times you staved off the sleep you so desperately needed and stood around underneath the summer stars trying to hash out the finer points of just one of your friend's recent existential crises.

We've all been there, folks. We look back with gratitude for the abandon others have shown in giving up time, sleep, coffee money, prescription amphetamines, studying, and precious mental resources to contribute to the sort of stimulating palaver that shows nowhere on our transcripts, yet to each of us surely represents what we consider the real education that we practiced, constructed, created and anything but "received" during our too-short time together.

This brings me back to AmbivAnthrope. A collaborative web log (blog, remember?), in which some of my personal favorite minds and myself could once again chit the chat about... you know... stuff again, has been a hare-brained idea rattling around my skull since sometime in mid-2010 and that I never got around to until just the other day when I came to the awful realization that I wished I had a paper to write or something to cold start this already rusty brain.

I suspect that you, too, have felt such a longing. Now, granted some of you went right to grad school, so you're writing more in a few months than you did your entire undergrad careers. OK. Whatever. You can just follow along. But something even slicker to do would be to use this space as a forum to hash out your fancy-pants grad school ideas, eh? I mean, you've got set before you no dearth of minds whom you respect willing to give free, Creative Commons-licensed feedback on all your grad school hoight, and yes even your toight. That means you, Mr. Ebersole.

As far as format and content is concerned, I would like to not be the only one writing short pieces for this blog. The method of this collaboration will be as follows:
1) We will cycle through piece writers, perhaps semi-monthly, or as we grow in contributorship, even weekly. I will post a schedule if we agree on it with (gasp) deadlines. Topic is the piece-writers choice. Length is also just a matter of discretion. Note the NICE WIDE COURIER NEW FONT and the skeeeeny margins! Your words go far here, my friends.
2) The rest of us will carefully read each piece and comment, making sure not to be too nice, because lets not just get all soft on each other now that those jerkoff prof's aren't taking off 10% for every APA violation! AHHH THAT FELT GOOD.
3) Commence discussion and brain stimulating, er, stimuli!

Hurrah! Now hop to!

My very best regards,
b. guiles

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